Facilities Use Request

sd  The Somerset Hills School District is in the process of implementing an on-line system for the request for the use of facilities by members of the community.  The name of the program is School Dude Facilities Direct.

Please read these instructions before you click on the link and follow them after you click on the link:
  1. In the upper right hand corner, CLICK on ”Log IN TO Request Facility Use”

  2. CLICK on “Create account” for all new users.  Complete all information, cell phone is not required.

  3. Enter name of organization, type of organization and an address.

  4. CLICK on “save and next”

  5. If you approve of everything you entered, CLICK on submit requests.

  6. You will receive an email within a few days as to whether you organization was approved.

Please click here to access the system.

Please contact Amy Malzone if you have any questions.

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