SHSD Enrichment Program for Gifted & Talented Students
Enrichment Program Overview:
Enrichment Programs seek to enable students to explore challenging and innovative educational opportunities beyond the scope of the traditional classroom experience.
Program Goals:
- To provide students with instructional experiences that differ in content, processes, rate, and depth from the patterns of the regular classroom
- To extend students' abilities to utilize higher-order cognitive processes
- To provide students with experiences that encourage self-initiated and self-directed learning and growth
- To provide students with experiences that expose them to, encourage the pursuit of, and instruct them in the use of specialized resources
- To encourage students to recognize the inherent worth in the pursuit of knowledge
- To provide opportunities for in-depth learning in areas of individual interest
The District’s Enrichment Program for students in grades K-5 is based on Joseph Renzulli’s Schoolwide Enrichment Model. This model was designed to encourage creative productivity on the part of young people by exposing them to a wide array of topics, areas of possible interest, and fields of study, and to further train them in the application of advanced content, process-training skills, and authentic methodology to self-selected areas of interest.
Program Components May Include:
- Eliminating already mastered curricula
- Allowing for in-depth learning of a topic selected by the pupil
- Developing research skills and methods
- Integrating higher level critical thinking skills into the curriculum
- Encouraging the development of self-regulation and evaluation
- Integrating multiple disciplines into the study area
- Developing the pupil’s independent and self-directed studies
- Focusing on open-ended creative tasks
- Using new techniques, materials in an innovative way
Program Eligibility:
Selection criteria for the Enrichment Program include–
- Classroom achievements and consideration of intelligence rating
- Exceptional standardized testing results
- Teacher observation reports and rating scales
- Consultation with previous teachers
Students Meeting the Eligibility Requirements will be reviewed by a school based committee for program selection based on:
- Scores at or above the 97th% (local) in one or more select subtests of the standardized test most recently administered.
- Consistent demonstration of behaviors recognized as those of highly motivated learners.
- Consistent demonstration of intellectual or creative ability of a nature not readily measured by testing.
- Display of extraordinary artistic talent with a high degree of self-motivation
Program & Progress Monitoring:
Each student participating in the Enrichment Program will be assessed annually for the continuing appropriateness of their program. Assessment will include:
- Review of the student’s file, including relevant test results
- Interviews with the student, parent/guardian, and teaching staff educationally responsible for the student
- Review of the student’s work in the preceding school year
Grades 6-8

Students are accepted into 1-year or 2-year acceleration pathways according to the following criteria:
Students must meet the following criteria in order to move into the Honors Math 6 course:
- 90% or higher average from marking periods 1-3 in Grade 5 Math
Additionally, TWO of the following three criteria must be met:
- 90% or higher current average from marking period 4 in Grade 5 Math
- 500 or higher on winter fall i-Ready math diagnostic test
- 500 or higher on spring i-Ready math diagnostic test
Students must meet BOTH of the following criteria in order to move into the Honors Level Math from Grade Level Math:
- 90% or higher test average in marking periods 1-3
- On or above grade level i-Ready Math diagnostic test
Students must meet all THREE of the following criteria in order to move directly into Grade 7 Honors from Grade 5 Math (and met criteria for Grade 6 Honors):
- 96% or higher average from marking periods 1-3 in Grade 5 Math
- 96% or higher current average from marking period 4 in Grade 5 Math
- 85% or higher on the Grade 6 End-of-year test
Students must meet BOTH of the following criteria in order to move directly into Grade 8 Honors (Algebra) from Grade 6 Honors Math:
- 97% or higher test average in marking periods 1-3 of Grade 6 Math Honors
- 85% or higher on the Grade 7 End-of-year test
Note: These criteria were used for student placement in September 2021. Students’ placements, as well as placement criteria, are reviewed each year. Teacher recommendation into the honors program is also considered.

Literacy teachers assess students throughout the school year and in a variety of ways. Literacy assessments are based upon authentic reading and writing experiences. Student placement is reviewed each year. To determine Honors Literacy placement, a formula is used to weigh a combination of assessments and factors. Included in the formula is the end of the year reading level (10%), i-Ready Diagnostic placement (30%), end of year writing assessment (40%), grade point average for quarters 1-3 (10%), and teacher recommendation (10%). Throughout the year, teachers communicate with parents, guidance counselors and administrators on student progress and placement. We recognize that students grow and develop literacy skills at different times. It is common for middle school readers and writers to grow and plateau in spurts. Honors placement is fluid and extends differentiated instruction based upon the developmental needs of the students.

Students must meet the following criteria in order to move into the Honors Science 8 course:
- 90% or higher average from marking periods 1-3 in Grade 7 Science
Additionally, ONE of the following four criteria must be met:
- 90% or higher average from marking periods 1-3 in Grade 7 Math, OR
- Honors Math placement, OR
- Honors Literacy placement, OR
- 530 or higher on i-Ready math diagnostic test
Note: These criteria were used for student placement in September 2021. All students’ placements are reviewed each year. Teacher recommendation into the honors program is also considered.
Grades 9-12
9th Grade Honors Courses
Ninth grade honors courses are available in English, Mathematics, Science, and World History. Please refer to the Application for Advanced Study (pg. 73 in BHS’ Program of Studies) to determine if you are required to submit an application. The information provided in the completed Application for Advanced Study will be reviewed and a decision for acceptance into the 9th Grade Honors courses will be made. Every Application for Advanced Study must be submitted to the Guidance Office and students will be informed of the results of their application. If a student does not meet the grade requirements for an Honors class, and does not receive a favorable review from the Application Committee, but is still interested in taking the class, he/ she may complete a waiver form.
10th, 11th and 12th Grade Honors and Advanced Placement Courses
Students who are already enrolled in an Honors and/ or AP course will remain in or be removed from their current programs based upon the following considerations:
● Students currently in an Honors level course who maintain an average of "B-" or higher in the 1st and 2nd marking periods are permitted to remain in their respective higher level course for the following year. For example, a student with a "B-“ average after marking periods 1 and 2 in English II Honors may continue to English III Honors without a waiver. However, to advance into AP English III, the student must have a "B+ or above" average in the 1st and 2nd marking period and in his/her Honors class, or complete the waiver. Students are expected to maintain their level of performance during marking periods 3 and 4.
● Students currently in an Honors level course who have an average grade of "C+", "C", or "C-" after the first two marking periods are required to complete a waiver to “re-enter" the next Honors level course, if there is room. For example, a student who earns a "C+" average in Honors must submit a waiver into the next year’s Honors/AP course.
● Students currently in an Honors level course who earn an average of D+, D, D- or F after the first two marking periods are precluded from the opportunity to waive for any higher-level program in that subject area.
● Students currently in an A-level course who maintain an average of "B+" or higher in the 1st and 2nd marking periods are permitted to request placement in an Honors level course for the following year. For example, a student with a "A-” average after marking periods 1 and 2 in English II (A) may move to English III Honors without a waiver. However, to advance into AP English III, the student must have an "A or above" average in his/her class. If a student cannot meet this minimum standard, then (s)he must complete a waiver form to gain entrance, provided there is room in the class. Students are expected to maintain their level of performance during marking periods 3 and 4.
For Additional Information on the Enrichment Program, please review the district’s Gifted and Talented Policy & Regulation
Contact Information:
K-5 Enrichment Teacher: Ms. Melissa Leonard, [email protected]
K-12 Director of Guidance: Ms. Jaime Walker, Director of Guidance, [email protected]
To file a complaint regarding eligibility, selection criteria, or other components of the Enrichment Program, please contact the Director of Guidance, Ms. Jaime Walker, [email protected]