Google Apps for SHSD

Google Apps for SHSD 

Please review the important information below. If you have further questions that you feel need to be answered, please email Helpdesk

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Google Apps for Education?

Google Apps for Education is a free suite of hosted email and collaboration applications exclusively for K-12 schools as well as universities. Explore the Google Apps for Education site to learn about the success of this product at such educational institutions as the University of Notre Dame.

Why are we adopting Google Apps for Education?

An explosion of technology innovation, increasingly driven by commercial and consumer markets continues to expand people-to-people communications and collaboration capabilities. A critical element of advancing our infrastructure is looking to the future to provide modern tools that staff need to be successful and competitive in the years ahead. An organization-wide set of shared, baseline communications and collaboration services will allow the broadest set of different groups to communicate effectively.

What are the core apps that will be offered to SHSD teachers, students, and staff?

While many different applications can be turned on in Google Apps for Education, we will initially implement four core apps. The applications that users will immediately have access to include Gmail (email and search tools), Google Calendar, Google Contacts, and Google Docs (shared documents, spreadsheets, and presentations with real-time collaboration capability).

When will the transition begin? It is the expectation that Google Apps for Education will be available for SHSD users on November 11, 2013.

Will training be available? Yes, absolutely. Training sessions for teachers and staff and online materials will be made available. Please consult Fall 2013 PDI Brochure for workshops and dates.

Will my email be migrated to Google Apps automatically for me? Yes. All users will automatically have their mail migrated to Google Apps (Gmail).

Are there privacy and security risks associated with moving our organization’s data into Google's servers?

Unlike individual accounts with Google, SHSD Google Apps for Education accounts will be covered by an overall contract between SHSD and Google which provides appropriate assurances of privacy. Under this contract, all data is owned solely by the institution and the individual client and the institution can delete that data permanently at will. For more information, please see Google's Security and Privacy FAQ, Top Ten Reasons Why Customers Trust Google Apps with Their Data .

Will there be advertisements in our email?
No. Google Apps for Education does not allow advertisements in email.

What if I already have a Gmail account?

Will my SHSD Google Apps account be different from my personal Google account? Yes, your personal Google account ( will be entirely separate from your SHSD Google Apps for Education account ( or Having a SHSD Google Apps for Education account will not affect your personal Gmail account. Your Google Apps account for SHSD provides the benefits of Gmail in an advertisement-free environment.

Is Google Apps for Education accessible to all members of SHSD?
Google is committed to improving its services so that they are accessible to all people, including those with disabilities. See Making Google Accessible and Google's Accessible Web Initiatives: Open Standards and 508 Documents.

Will Microsoft Office still be available?

Yes. Many employees use the Microsoft Office suite of products (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.) and will continue to do so even with the capabilities offered by Google Apps for Education (e.g. Google Docs).

What is the preferred Web browser to use when accessing Google Apps for Education?

To have the most functionality with Google Apps for Education, Google Chrome web browser is recommended. You can still use Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, etc as needed for other applications.

Can you work offline using Google Apps?

Google offers offline email support through its Chrome browser. Offline Google Docs capability is currently “read only”, but Google is working to offer edit-mode offline access. See Using Gmail, Calendar and Docs without an Internet Connection, About Google Docs Offline, and Improvements to the Gmail Offline Chrome App.

Which mobile devices are supported by Google Apps for Education?

Google Apps for Education is powered by the Web, so your mail, calendar, contacts and documents can be accessed - and edited - on almost any mobile device or tablet. See the Google Apps "Mobile" page.

What are the quotas for each of the Google Apps for individual accounts?

Each account is given a total storage size of 30 GB to be used toward Email and Documents. Each account can have up to 25,000 contacts.

Will users need to archive their mail?

In most cases, users will not need to archive mail locally because of the large storage space available in Google Apps for Education (30 GB).

What are the email attachment limits in Google Apps for Education?

The current limit for Gmail is 25 MB. Employees who wish to share documents larger than 25 MB can readily do so in the collaborative cloud environment using Google Docs.

To whom may I send comments or questions?

Feedback from the SHSD users is an essential part of making a successful transition. Please send your comments or questions to [email protected]rg and a member of the IT Staff will get back to you.

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